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Former Lesbian: I Was Raped, Hated Men; ‘Devil Thought He Had Me, God Had...
A former lesbian testified to the power of God to transform lives, and how He brought restoration to her and redeemed the years the...
Spontaneous Healing After Prayer In Jesus’ Name Featured In Peer-Reviewed Medical Journal
A peer-reviewed medical journal published a documented case of spontaneous healing after prayer in Jesus' name. A young man who wasn't able to eat...
China Hearing Gospel Via Africa; Church Growing Amid Brutal Persecution
As the Chinese economically invest in and build infrastructure in Africa, Africans are evangelizing the Chinese. Trade between China and Africa reached an all-time high...
The Activist Mommy On What Fuels Her Fight Against Sexualization Of Kids, Evil In...
A Christian activist mother with over 600,000 followers on Facebook and known for her viral videos railing against evil at work in culture, is...
Study Shows Massive Suicide Epidemic Among Trans-Identified Teens
More than half of all teenagers who identify as female to male transgender have attempted suicide, a new study shows. According to an analysis of relevant data...
Man Who Set Fire To Historic Texas Presbyterian Church Gets 40 Years In Prison
A Texas man who set fire to a church and caused nearly $800,000 in damage has been sentenced to 40 years in prison. Thomas Britton,...
California Church To Build Brewery, Drink Beer During Services
A California church sold their church building and relocated in a new space where beer is served and plans are underway to build a...
Virtual Church Launched For Gamers
A virtual church has been launched for gamers, the pastor of which says he is reaching a people group for Christ that the traditional church...
‘You Cannot Take Jesus Away From Us’: Iranian Christians Testify About Being Imprisoned For...
Two Iranian Christians are pleading with the world to hear the cries of the Iranian people as they recounted their own ordeal of being...
The West Is Colonizing Africa With Abortion And Population Control, Obianuju Ekeocha Says
Africa is being recolonized today, though this time not with armies or arbitrary borders but through Western governments and humanitarian outfits imposing population control...