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Parliament’s second house adopts Hate Speech Bill
The Hate Speech Bill remains highly problematic, particularly because the NCOP left unchanged the wide definition of “harm” (which includes..
Why the Spy Bill threatens religious freedom
The “Spy Bill” (officially known as the General Intelligence Laws Amendment Bill, 2023, or “GILAB”) is the latest in a series of laws...
Religious freedom: What is it, and why is it vital?
Most South Africans do not think twice about our ability to live out our faith publicly. We are so used to enjoying our right to religious freedom that we..
Summary of FOR SA’s submission to parliament on the hate speech bill
FORSA’s submission focused on our concerns about the hate speech component in the Hate Speech Bill, which aims to criminalise expressions that the Bill...
Thousands make submissions in opposition to the hate speech bill
Submissions from the public to the National Council of Provinces (NCOP) on the controversial Hate Speech Bill, closed at 13:00 on Thursday, 25th May...
Your chance to help guide sex education in SA schools!
The DBE has drafted guidelines for socio-educational inclusion of Diverse Sexual Orientation, Gender Identity, Expression and Sex Characteristics in schools
The Hate Speech Bill — A Threat To Freedom Of Expression
Our right to religious freedom (section 15 of the Constitution) is one of the most important human rights we enjoy in South Africa – it is the freedom...
What The FPA Regulations Mean For South African Churches
The updated Regulations to the Films and Publications Act, 1996 (as updated by the Films and Publications Amendment Act, 2019) were gazetted...
Religious Freedom Is Part Of South Africa’s Rich Heritage
The 24th September is Heritage Day, a day when South Africans celebrate the diversity and wealth of our cultures and traditions as the “Rainbow Nation”...
Good News On Government Marriage Policy
Currently, there is no single law governing the solemnisation and registration of marriages. Instead, there are various laws governing different...