Written by: Erin Georgiou
Article source: JOY! Magazine
“Search me, O God, and know my heart! Try me and know my thoughts! And see if there be any grievous way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting!” – Psalm 139:23-24
Anyone who has moved house will tell you what a big job it is. Somehow, over the years, we manage to accumulate so much clutter and many unnecessary items. For some, parting with this clutter is not easy. Some are hoarders, others have strong sentimental and emotional ties to their belongings, and many are simply not ready to let go.
This is much like our lives. We also gather “stuff” every day – baggage, habits, and distractions – and over time, we become prisoners of this accumulation. The Word reminds us to “guard our hearts, for everything you do flows from it” (Prov 4:23). We cannot and must not allow our “stuff” to negatively impact our relationships, behaviour, or – even worse – our eternal rewards.
Uncovering and using your spiritual gifts
Each of us has been given rich deposits of spiritual gifts, intended to bless others in our lifetime. Sadly, many of these gifts remain dormant or buried due to external circumstances. One day, we will all stand before God and give an account of how we used the marvellous gifts He entrusted to us. On that day, no one else will stand beside us; we will each answer to Him alone.
Please consider the seriousness of this truth. Make a commitment to regularly bring your “stuff” to God in prayer. Ask Him to guide you and help you use His gifts to make a meaningful impact on the lives of others. Use your time on earth wisely; don’t just drift from day to day, week to week, and year to year.
Living for eternal rewards
Where you spend eternity is secure if you have given your life to Jesus. But how you spend it is determined by what you do in this lifetime. Let us aim to be effective, positive representatives of God in 2025. May this new year be a time of reflection and correction, a season of purpose and joy, as we allow God to lead us in the way everlasting.
This article is featured in the January issue of JOY! Magazine, which is now on sale nationwide! Pick up your copy from any leading supermarket, or read a digital version of this issue here: https://joygifts.co.za/product/joy-magazine-january-issue-2025/
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Date published: 07/01/2025
Feature image: Image for illustrative purposes only. Artwork from www.freepik.com
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