Written by: Eva Pretorius
Article source: JOY! Magazine

Women play a vital role in the economy of Mongolia and even more so in modern society. Over the past few years, families have invested heavily in the education of their daughters, believing that daughters will be better able to take care of them when they are older. Men are left to tend to livestock and are not often encouraged to leave the home in pursuit of a career. Very few women are unemployed and more are being recognised in society for their outstanding achievements. But, because of this, women struggle to relate to men giving rise to an imbalance in society referred to as the “reverse gender gap”.

Families are being strengthened and built up in faith by FEBA’s Gospel programmes.

Unrealistic ideals must be countered
In the capital city of Ulaanbaatar there are 60 000 more women than men. This imbalance in Mongolian society emphasises the need to provide women with the information they need to form healthy and realistic ideals when it comes to relationships, home making, child rearing, and their God-given roles in society.

Today’s culture drives women to pursue goals that are often unrealistic and out of line with God’s intended plan. Understandably, in their pursuit of independence, there is a lot more pressure on women to out-perform men.

Women play a vital role in the economy of Mongolia and even more so in modern society.

Broadcaster takes on the role of a counsellor, friend, teacher, and mentor
The partners of the Far East Broadcasting Association (FEBA) in Mongolia – Family Radio 104,5 FM – meet the needs of thousands of women struggling to navigate through a world where pressures place a tremendous strain on families. The outcome of these programmes is miraculous. The voice of the broadcaster takes on the role of a counsellor, friend, teacher, and mentor when women need it most.

Shijrtuya discovers the greatest treasure of all:

In this inspiring story a mom with four sons explains how she discovered a great treasure when she started listening to our programmes:
“My name is Shijrtuya Chimeddarj. I am 37 years old and live in Ulaanbaatar city with my husband and our four sons, ages 5-13. I discovered a programme on Family Radio 104,5 FM called “MOM”. Uuganna, the host of the programme, is one of the people I met. I used to attend church before I got married. As a result of listening to the programmes and the fellowship I experienced with Uuganaa, I realised that I had to accept Christ and return to church.

I could relate to Uugana because she also has children. We would talk about various things that I heard on the radio. She invited me to her church and now our two families have become friends.

I am encouraged and empowered by the radio programmes. Due to the fellowship and dozens of meetings, I was inspired to discover myself in Christ and receive Him as my personal Saviour. I have realised one thing, that If I am with God, my family relationships will be strengthened more than what I can do. I am very grateful for my children who are being brought up in the faith. They have pure hearts and a desire to know and study more about Jesus Christ. I pray for my children and hope that they will become responsible and faithful citizens in the future.”

You can get involved with Feba’s women’s ministry
Through our Gospel programmes, families are being strengthened and built up in their faith. They are discovering their purpose in Christ. If you would like to get involved or make a contribution towards our women’s ministry in Mongolia, contact 012 335 5708 or visit febaradio.co.za

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Date published: 24/06/2021
Feature image: Image for illustrative purposes only.

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