Written by: Errol Naidoo
Article source: familypolicyinstitute.com
Parliament rose on 28 March to provide political parties time to campaign for the General Elections on 29 May. Electioneering is now in full swing. This means several pieces of legislation that was not finalized will be held over until the 7th Parliament is elected in June.
Some of the ANC regime’s most controversial policies have been finalized by Parliament and sent to President Cyril Ramaphosa to be signed into law. These include the “National Health Insurance Bill” (NHI), the “General Intelligence Laws Amendment Bill” (GILAB) and the “Expropriation Bill” that sanctions land expropriation with nil compensation.
The populist NHI and Expropriation Bills were finalized by the ANC majority in Parliament so it could be used to deceive the electorate with false promises of “land for the people” and “excellent healthcare for all.” The governing party’s disastrous record of rampant corruption, gross maladministration and incompetence makes any promise unattainable.
More promising is that several harmful pieces of legislation were not finalized before Parliament rose. These include the “Single Marriage Bill” that seeks to redefine man, woman marriage in law, the “Sexual Offenses Amendment Bill” that will legalize the entire sex industry, the “BELA Bill,” that extends state control of education, the “Hate Crimes Bill,” that will criminalize religious speech and “Sexual Orientation & Gender Identity” policies.
Christian citizens must fervently pray for the nation leading up to the General Elections. South Africa faced similar dire challenges prior to the first Democratic Elections in 1994. Church leaders called Christians to pray and intercede for the peace of South Africa. God intervened, and the birth of our democracy on 27 April 1994 was a peaceful event.
But we must not stop there. Christian citizens must pray and act for change. The evidence is overwhelming, the ANC regime has brought the nation to the brink of collapse. Rampant corruption, theft, fraud, money laundering, gross incompetence and the destruction of critical state enterprises has pushed the country perilously close to failed state status.
ANC veteran Nosiviwe Mapisa-Ngakula’s arrest for bribery and corruption again proves the governing party cannot be trusted to govern. Almost 100 ANC cadres implicated in serious corruption are included in the ANC’s candidate re-election list. Ramaphosa repeatedly claims government is “combating corruption” but cannot provide credible evidence.
The ANC has singlehandedly destroyed SA’s economy and fueled unemployment. It ran Eskom into the ground – denying businesses a reliable energy supply. If that wasn’t enough, the collapse of SAA and Transnet has further undermined the ability of business to succeed. Shockingly, 247 businesses were liquidated in South Africa at the start of 2024.
Add to this the growing water crisis and the ANC’s inability to govern is painfully apparent.
In addition to praying for South Africa’s revival, every single Christian voter must cast their ballot on Election Day. If you don’t vote, you ensure things remain the same. Political parties have published their Manifesto’s outlining their policy positions on key issues. The ANC, EFF and MK parties cannot be considered because of its corruption tainted records.
This means you and I must vote for a political party that can potentially form a governing coalition of national unity and end the ANC’s reign of criminality and destruction. The party’s Manifesto are reasonable guides to their policy positions. Please read through it carefully. We must vote according to our values but also strategically to rescue our nation.
The IEC released data indicating political parties received R437 million in donations to fund their election campaigns. The Political Party Donations Dashboard is insightful. It reveals the amounts each party received, and from whom. Donations from major donors are a reasonable indication of the confidence levels in new and established political parties.
There are just 8 weeks left to Election Day. South Africa once again faces a crossroads. The choices we make on 29 May will determine SA’s direction. That’s why sustained and fervent prayer is critical. We must place our trust in God to rescue our nation. Political parties cannot save us. Only God can. So, pray for SA and vote for change on 29 May.
Errol Naidoo
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Date published: 09/04/2024
Feature image: Image for illustrative purposes only. Artwork adapted from www.freepik.com
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Dear Errol.
I agree it’s very import that we vote. Your comment that I don’t agree on is “We must vote according to our values but also strategically to rescue our nation”..this is wrong. We don’t vote according to OUR values but according to the values that Jesus stands by.
Please be aware…we place the blood of many upon ourselves if we vote for a political party that has values that is contrary to God’s word. We will answer to The Lord. We don’t vote for a party that has cleaned up crime in the province, cleaned up the streets etc but allows abortion and supports the LGBTQ agenda. We will pay dearly for that.
Look how the ACDP joined the DA and other parties in the Multi-Party Charter..how can you side with the devil just to keep another devil out of power…no man.
I remind you of this….
“Therefore come out from them and be separate, says the Lord. Touch no unclean thing, and I will receive you.” 2 Corinthians 6:17
The Apostle points out a very important duty, which, if more extensively regarded, would greatly tend to the purity and prosperity of the Church. One of the greatest evils, at the present day, with which the Church has to contend, is conformity to the world, “Do not be yoked together with unbelievers. For what do righteousness and wickedness have in common? Or what fellowship can light have with darkness?” 2 Corinthians 6:14
Vote WISELY…very wisely.
I agree! We can not stand with ungodly parties
Indeed we need God in this country, but it is the people who must vote for godly governance. The people are holding the power to change all this, especially us Christians. May the Lord remove fear and the scales from our eyes so we can see clearly and not live in ignorance anymore. We cannot afford to be quiet at a time like this. Wake up Christians. #HOPE4SA
We must fight this battle on our knees, trusting God for what we need. We must already thank Him for being our provider. Faith is not believing God can, it is knowing that He will
I support #hope4Sa
Lets stand togetheron our knees
I support #hope4Sa
I am fully behind the ACDP, which has stood the test of time, never compromised and has done sk much for the Body of Christ in South Africa.
Let’s be very careful of ‘new’ Christian parties that are mushrooming with no credibility, no proven fruits to show and the intention to split the Christian vote.
If all of us Christians united behind the party that God has kept all these years, SA would be a far better place by now.
Be wise, be discerning, vote ACDP!
I vote #Hope#4SA
The ANC has destroyed this country, from the Nelson Mandela era until now the Rand vs Dollar exchange has gone from bad to worse!
People’s standard of living is terrible under the ANC. If they come back, the nation won’t.
The ACDP can and WILL rescue this situation when SA gives a chance
Tlotliso Mphuthi
Agreed 100% we need to wake up and Pray for a Godly government. We serve a living God that answers prayer. I support #Hope4SA
Agreed 100% we need to wake up and Pray for a Godly government. We serve a living God that answers prayer. I DO Not support this #Hope4SA(Typing error) !!!
Forever voting for the ACDP ,party that has been consisten!!
#Hope4SA are men and woman of righteousness! I will support them
Vote for ACDP. Track record in Parliament. Prevented secular state, protected Christmas and Easter, fought mandatory Vax. Fighting BELA Bill and every other challenge in the article above.
Vote for Kingdom Fighters!
Let us not divide the Christian vote. We need to increase our Christian voice in Parliament!
ACDP has not joined DA, but you need a majority of votes to beat stuff like land expropriation. So you work together on common issues. The aim is to represent the interests of your voters.
To Deckard717
Thank you for pointing out the ACDP’s position re the MPC. For your information and perhaps others as well, pls check out their statements regarding joining the MPC.
It would bode you well to appreciate that in order to bring meaningful change to this country, as an active player, the party are well positioned to do it from within the charter instead of outside.
My recalling is that they agree to the basic framework but as far as compromising their values and beliefs, that certainly IS NOT open for discussion.
They are therefore partners WITH CONDITIONS. Those conditions will be addressed firstly if they get a mandate from the voters and secondly if there’s a NEED FOR ANY POSSIBLE COALITIONS going fwd.
I trust you will do check their statements out regarding this matter.
God bless and LET AFRICA RISE under the Lordship of Jesus Christ.
We need righteous leaders who fear God in this country. I see the ACDP being consistent over the last 30years so I support them and I also support the unity between the parties.
The ACDP is the party of choice
Ethical Leaders with a PROVEN Track Record
Policies in place to ensure Service Delivery Order and Safety in our Country
The ACDP has a 30 year track record of serving our citizens and although only 4 members in the national assembly has done more than the ANC for South Africa
I call on all South Africans who want a better country for you and your families and future generations please Vote for the ACDP and experience the Change you are praying for
I support ACDP
Let’s HAND OVER these evil people to our True and Living God to sort them out
God knows BEST how to deal with them
There are far too many Christians that are not going to the ballot this election year. They almost seem to think that by ‘staying out of politics’ that it is somehow not going to affect them. Unfortunately they are going to be in a very hard place of the ANC passes all this unfathomable immoral legislature. It is a terrible pity as those votes could definitely help with proportional representation in parliament. May the LORD have mercy on South Africa now in this upcoming time.
I also support #hope4SA
The article seems to want to discredit ACDP as though it hasn’t been standing for the Christian voice for 30years… The same people who voted against their Christian beliefs in earlier elections have woken to the desperate need of Christians in politics a little later than those who fought despite being told Christians have no business to do with politics or that Christians are unqualified. For one we are thankful that you have woken to the alarm that ACDP woke up to 30years without snoozing. But to discredit us and say we have joint hands with the devil seems to undermine the Godly stance we have had despite the poor show of Christian voters. I wonder if you would say the same of Daniel, Joseph, Moses, Esther had the been here in this day and time. While some stand for photo ops we have been operating at community to parliament level, cleaning up the streets and councils this with the few seats afforded us by those who heard the alarm a little earlier. Who gathered the army to march on the 15th of September last year, who gathered the army to stand against CSE and the Bela Bill. There are people from ACDP who have been killed for standing for Godly governance, despite all that we march on taking more and more ground for the Glorificaton of Yahweh. And your article only fuels us to do more so that even those who read this will see with their own eyes what God has called ACDP to do in this nation. We pray that eyes may be opened to the truth and not hearsay.
The ACDP with 30 years political experience is the party that will have my vote. Godly Governance.
Mine too.
We should all turn to the ACDP as they are our last hope for a Godly Government!! They have been here for 30 years and we haven’t heard a single scandalous act about their President or the Party.
My husband & I as committed Christians believe that our government should be led by a born again Christian president, who would run our beloved country & it’s people’s with integrity & also with Christian principals!
The president of Zambia who is a born again Christian is a fine example of how a country should be run!
A great article by Errol Naidoo highlighting the importance of voting your Biblical values.
I have been a member of the ACDP for 30 years since its inception. We have never joined forces with another political party in compromising our Biblical values.
Deckard717 makes good sense on most things but gets it wrong on the ACDP’s relationship with the DA. The ACDP declined to join the DA’s moonshot pact for various reasons but mainly due to concerns of globalist funding. Thereafter, the Multi Party Charter was initiated which we watched carefully be joining. This MPC is not a coalition of parties but parties that have agreed to set parameters that will inform policies after the elections. The ACDP will only consider being part of a coalition after the elections. If there are any issues which will compromise us as the ACDP in the MPC, we have the liberty of withdrawing at any time. We joined the MPC so that we would have the opportunity of inputting on important issues like Education, Energy, Health and Safety etc. If we were not part of it, who would’ve been the Christian voice speaking into the proposed policies?
I have voted for the ACDP during the past 29 years and appeal to all Christians to consider this very stable option and to not split the Christian vote.
My faith remains in God no matter how poor the outlook.
Truly only He can save SA.
He has given us a political vehicle in the ACDP who have proven themselves faithful, committed servants and have worked with little recognition or appreciation from the body of Christ.
They have accomplished much with only 3 now 4 members in parliament. Don’t be ignorant.
Joy magazine would do well to honestly and accurately report on these achievements on which secular media is silent.
Pls do not split the Christian vote.
You and I have been born for a time like this. Just as Queen Esther was. Let us hear the voice of God and mobilize out people in our spheres of influence to Vote for Righteousness. Let’s get our congregants to vote. It is imperative to pray and to vote. Prayer sets the platform for righteous voting and a righteous election process.
God is supreme.
We must vote and vote wisely which means ensuring the ANC either loses their position as the ruling party or there must be a decline in their number of votes. The ANC has only feathered tgrur own nests and forgot about the poverty stricken masses who were also a part of the freedom struggle. Out with the ANC
We need to wake up and Pray for a Godly government. We serve a living God that answers prayer.
#VoteACDP 2024 . The Only party that has been consistent for 30years!!
Furthermore ; Proverbs 29:2 (When the righteous are in Authority,the people rejoice,but when the wicked rule the people mourn..) We are voting for the ACDP, the ONLY party that stands up for Biblical principles !! Let’s not confuse this,be Wise!!
South Africa belongs to JESUS and HE will have the final decision. We can plan all we like.
It amazes me how people on this platform, readers of this magazine etc pass judgement on each other. Mmmm….why hide from man what you cannot hide from God.
I support ACDP.
I will always vote ACDP. There’s no compromise with ACDP.
There is a little concern concerning the Coloured vote. There’s a group called THE ABORIGINALS OF SOUTH AFRICA, who are discouraging coloured people from voting at all. This is quite concerning. They have even introduced an ABORIGINAL ID.
What is happening here, are we fighting on who to vote for???the enemy is just watching and laughing at us-What is the Holy Spirit saying to us as individuals? Please, lets spend time in prayer and listen to the voice of God, He will guide us-no need to fight on this platform. Godly leadership character and values
Christians should stand together for the Kingdom of God and pray, pray, pray for wisdom, insight and discreteness! Glorify His holy Name! If all Christians vote ACDP or #hope4SA it will make a major impact in Government and take away seats from other Parties. Please vote! Don’t lean on your own understanding.
I would like to know when the graph ‘Which Party shares your values’ was actually published as I have noticed that Action SA (which is 4 years old) that is also a Christian party is not even mentioned.
I would like to add that Action SA opens all their meeting in prayer, their President Herman Mashaba posts a prayer online each morning.
This graph is deficient, incomplete and misleading.
Why are only certain Parties featured?
Action SA is currently (May 2024) the 6th largest party in the country however it does not feature in your survey
Good day Janine
Thank you so much for your comment. We did reach out to Acton SA, as well as a number of other parties, yet unfortunately they declined.
Thank you for your support.
Kind regards
The JOY! team
Thank you Marina for your reply I would like to follow up could you please let me know who you contacted from Action SA.
I would also like to know if this is a Joy Magazine’s survey or ACDP survey?
Thank you Janine
Hi Janine, thank you for your message.
We have been in contact with a number of members from ActionSA, including their Chief of Staff as well as their National Spokesperson.
This survey has nothing to do with the ACDP. It was originally crafted by Dr Peter Hammond, who created the SA Voter’s Guide website (savotersguide.org.za). This content was edited, updated, and republished by JOY with permission. We have reached out to a number of political parties to get their input, yet unforuntately many did not wish to be included in this list.
Wishing you all the best with the upcoming voting process.
God bless!