Written by: Errol Naidoo 

On 7 July 2024, Family Policy Institute (FPI) observed its 16th anniversary serving the Christian community in South Africa. We are thankful to God for His wisdom, guidance and provision that ensured FPI remain on the frontlines of the battle for faith, family & freedom.

We are also deeply grateful to our loyal partners in this vital ministry. Without your prayers and financial partnership FPI could not defend and protect the natural family and advance Biblical values in Parliament, the UN, the media and general society for the past 16 years.

Defending faith, family and religious freedoms will be very different the next 5 years. This time FPI will be engaging a Parliament not controlled by an ANC majority. The Government of National Unity (GNU) includes 11 different political parties with conflicting agendas.

This means the ANC cannot ram its narrow ideological agenda through Parliament on its own. Its minority status in the National Assembly demands it consider inputs from its GNU partners when formulating government policy. This will be a bitter pill to swallow.

The ANC, who once controlled all the levers of state power is now forced to negotiate with its political adversaries because it lost its majority in Parliament. However, the debacle in Gauteng reveals the ANC still craves control despite losing its majority in that province.

But how will the 32 Cabinet Ministers and 43 deputy ministers from 11 different political parties agree on government policy? According to Minister in the Presidency, Khumbudzo Ntshavheni there must be discussion and agreement from all the signatories of the GNU.

Ntshavheni indicated a Cabinet lekgotla is scheduled for 11 and 12 July 2024. The policy Manifestos of all 11 parties represented in the GNU will be scrutinized by department director general’s and proposed priorities and a program of action presented to Cabinet.

President Ramaphosa will reveal the outcomes of the Cabinet lekgotla when he presents the Medium-Term Strategic Framework at the opening of Parliament on 18 July 2024. Interestingly, 18 July is also ‘Mandela Day,’ which honors South Africa’s first democratic president who formed a Government of National Unity in 1994 to bring the nation together.

How this will all work out practically is the subject of much speculation. It is clear the ANC is struggling to come to terms with its historic losses at the polls on 29 May. Despite its minority in Parliament and Gauteng / KZN, the ANC acts as if it still holds majority control.

Ntshavheni also insisted legislation like the NHI, BELA, Hate Crimes and other Bills signed into law by President Ramaphosa before the Elections is not up for debate. Significantly, however, the NHI requires R250 billion to implement which will necessitate personal and corporate tax increases (in a depressed economy). But GNU partners will not support this.

The DA also vehemently opposed the “BELA Bill” and “Hate Crimes” laws in Parliament. What remains to be seen is how will the DA Minister of Basic Education, Siviwe Gwarube, implement the Amendments to the Basic Educations Laws – she fundamentally opposes.

FPI’s work will increase considerably following the opening of Parliament on 18 July. Both the NHI and BELA Bills face legal challenges. However, resistance to bad policy must come from citizens who must take full advantage of the democratic parliamentary process.

Strengthened by the 16 years of experience we gained fighting on the frontlines for faith, family and freedom, FPI is prepared and ready to defend the natural family and advance Biblical values in Parliament, the UN, the media and general society – for the next 5 years.

Thank you for standing with FPI in this vital task. We could not survive this long without your prayers, partnership and participation. What we have learned this past 16 years is that we, as a Christian community, can do more together than on our own. God bless you.

Errol Naidoo

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Date published: 09/07/2024

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