Written by: Pearl Kupe
Article source: JOY! Magazine

On the 1st of November 2024, Botswana – and the world – woke up to the stunning news of a completely new government in that country. For the first time since independence, the Botswana Democratic Party (BDP) lost the elections in a landslide victory to the UDC party. The former ruling party, which held power for 58 years, was reduced to only four parliamentary seats out of 61. The official opposition is now the Botswana Congress Party (BCP), led by member of Parliament Dumelang Saleshando. The BDP, led by former President Mokgweetsi Eric Masisi, is now the smallest minority opposition party.

The prophetic word
In April 2023, I had the privilege of speaking at a conference in Botswana, where God released a prophetic word for the nation, referencing Isaiah 43:19. This message declared that He would “do a new thing” in Botswana, bringing it out of the wilderness and creating springs and rivers of life within it. Watching God begin to fulfil this prophetic promise during the elections has been a marvellous testimony to His faithfulness.


Advocate Duma Boko (now President) with fellow legal counsel Pearl Kupe.

The background
There was a build-up to the removal of the ruling party. Botswana is a diamond-rich nation, with a currency that ranks as the fourth highest in Africa. However, things were not always this way. Botswana started as one of the 25 poorest nations at the time of independence. Through the discovery of diamonds, development of tourism, and beef exports, Botswana prospered significantly. Conservative, expert fiscal management ensured that Botswana became one of the wealthiest nations in Africa, offering free education and healthcare to most citizens. Her foreign reserves were among the healthiest globally. Recently, however, government mismanagement led to dwindling reserves and a struggling economy.

Parliament proposes bill to legalise homosexuality
Another issue that displeased the citizens of Botswana was Bill 29, proposed by the Minister of Justice to legalise homosexuality. The Evangelical Fellowship of Botswana (EFB) sought my legal assistance, and I wrote a letter that was widely shared. The letter mobilised the Church to pray and conduct a protest. In July 2023, the Minister of Justice withdrew Bill 29, but the issue left a bitter taste with the Church and the people of Botswana…


Pastor Mmoloki Mogokgwane, HE President Duma Boko, First Lady Kaone Boko, and Pastor Sharon Gcinekile Mogokgwane.

Gender-based violence and other ignored issues
The insensitivity of leaders towards societal challenges, particularly gender-based violence (GBV), angered citizens. Botswana has been plagued by “passion killings”, where rejected boyfriends murder their ex-girlfriends in fits of rage. Gender-based violence, rape, and these killings are at an all-time high, and the issue has persisted for over 30 years with little attention. When the Minister of Gender Affairs was given an opportunity to address the matter with an urgent parliamentary motion, she dismissed it as “not urgent”. She was among the Ministers who were not voted back into power.

I recently protested the granting of bail to an accused self-proclaimed “prophet” facing five sexual abuse charges, including the defilement of a 16-year-old girl whom he allegedly impregnated. My letter, published in the Botswana Voice newspaper, highlighted some critical issues affecting the nation. Two days after publication, the accused was remanded back into custody.

The new president of Botswana
The newly elected President, HE Advocate Duma Boko, is a Harvard graduate and has led the UDC (Umbrella for Democratic Change) party since 2012. He is also a born-again believer. The day after his victory was announced, he visited Arukah House of Restoration, pastored by Mmoloki and Sharon Mogokgwane, to give thanks to God for the election outcome. There, he knelt for prayer, acknowledging God before the congregation and the nation. In his speech, he requested not to be addressed with formal titles, preferring simply to be called “that’s my boy.”

Looking forward
At the time of writing, President Boko was busy with the nomination of six specially elected members of parliament and the selection of his cabinet. We have prayed for God’s guidance, asking Him to help the president select skilled leaders who fear God and hate dishonest gain, as stated in Exodus 18:21. With new leadership and the prophetic word of a new season over it, Botswana now has an opportunity to once again role model good governance, servant leadership, unity, peace, and economic success.

This article is featured in the December issue of JOY! Magazine, which is now on sale nationwide! Pick up your copy from any leading supermarket, or read a digital version of this issue here: https://joygifts.co.za/product/joy-magazine-december-issue-2024/

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Date published: 03/12/2024
Feature image: Image for illustrative purposes only. Artwork adapted from unsplash.com

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