Written by: David Allen
Article source: JOY! Magazine
One cold, bitter night in the dead of winter hope was to be found illuminating out of the darkness. A mother and child made their way along the dangerous inner-city streets. The newborn boy, completely helpless and vulnerable, was oblivious to the importance of the moment. He shuddered as a fresh breeze crossed his face and his mother placed him in a metal box in a wall. No one could know what she was doing, she wouldn’t allow that. She had decided there was no way she could keep him. But she could give him a chance at life. There was no time for further goodbyes as she placed a small parcel beside him. Then she was gone. The boy was now safe. He was one of the fortunate ones. He was to find a new home, a new family; and as a reminder of his biological mother, he would have her parcel: a small blanket, some clothes, a teddy bear, and a note saying: “I love you my child.”
Precious in God’s sight
In 1999, Pastor Cheryl Allen and her congregation, comprising mostly African immigrants, were praying about how they could be a light for Jesus in the dark streets of the inner-city. They discovered that scores of babies were being abandoned every month in Johannesburg. Many helpless infants were discarded in close proximity to their building. Jesus’ words came to mind: “Not even a sparrow can fall to the ground without your Father knowing it … And you are more valuable to him than a whole flock of sparrows”. Cheryl knew if God was concerned about a sparrow, how much more concerned would He be about a baby who is gasping away its life in a plastic bag in a dustbin. Every child is precious to God. Jesus wanted them to do something. But what?
God’s hole in the wall
We can offer desperate mothers an alternative, Cheryl pondered, bring the babies to the church instead of throwing them away. But she knew some mothers would want to remain anonymous. “God, what can we do?” An idea jumped into her mind. What about a bin! Not a “dustbin” but rather a “life bin”. This was it. The idea seemed strange and rather shocking, but Cheryl believed it was from God. And if God was for it then who could stand against it? The church made a bold move and installed a steel bin in their wall. It would become known as the “Hole in the Wall” and later officially named, “Door of Hope”.
The victory of God
Word spread and, in a couple of weeks, the first child was brought to the church. Others followed soon after and they have not stopped coming. The Bible is filled with instances where followers of Jesus are called to care for the orphan. For 25 years the Heavenly Father has used Door of Hope to help rescue hundreds of children from the clutches of death and put them on a path of hope. There have been many challenges, and many remain, but through it all lives are being impacted and families are being united through adoption. Eternity alone will tell of the immense victory of God. Over the past 25 Years, Door of Hope has given a home to 1903 babies, of which 283 have come through the Baby Saver Box.
The provision of God
God has continually provided for all our needs through the generosity of individuals, corporations, and churches in both South Africa and the United States. Currently, we are blessed to have two houses that are home to 60 children, along with a small holding and a plot of land. The small holding is under development to create a safe and nurturing space for our toddlers and special needs children, while the plot will eventually become a Village designed to house more children, complete with house parents to provide them with love and care. These properties are a testament to God’s provision and the support of our community, and we are excited to see them transform into places of refuge and hope for many children in need.
To God be the glory
To work at Door of Hope is a calling from God and He brings wonderful people to care for the precious children. This servant-hearted team continue moving forward striving to save abandoned babies and show them the love of God, praying they will become disciples of Jesus. Much has been accomplished these past 25 years but there is still much more to do. There are many children in South Africa who need to be rescued and given hope. The Church of Jesus Christ has an opportunity to change our country through raising a fatherless generation to know the love of their Heavenly Father. May we be found faithful. And to God be the glory.
God, in His sovereignty, chose Cheryl and the Berea Baptist Mission church in South Africa to be the pioneers of the baby-box concept in the modern era. The baby-box was launched in the inner-city of Johannesburg in 1999. News of it spread quickly across the world as it was broadcast from news agencies such as CNN and the BBC. A delegation from Germany visited the baby box shortly after its establishment and decided to install their own. Others followed suite. In the proceeding years, baby-boxes have been setup all over Europe, the United States, Asia, and various other parts of the world. God has saved countless lives in this way and continues to reveal His loving, Father heart for those who are abandoned.
Cheryl and Georgina
Georgina was the first child to arrive at Door of Hope in August 1999. She was 14 months old and was suffering from severe neglect and malnourishment. Her biological mom loved Georgina enough to see she couldn’t cope with her daughter and brought her to the church. Georgina began to recover as she received lots of love, care, and good nutrition. Most important of all, people prayed for her. God led a wonderful couple to adopt Georgina and take her back to their home in America.
In first grade, Georgina was identified as an academically gifted student. She graduated from High School in 2016. Her real passion is music and singing. Georgina spent six years in the world-famous Virginia Children’s Chorus. At one time on a tour to England and France she had the privilege of singing her solo part at the Royal Albert Hall with the London Symphony Orchestra.
In July 2016 Georgina made history again by being the first Door of Hope child to return as a volunteer. She spent a few weeks helping to love and care for the babies in the homes.
This article is featured in the December issue of JOY! Magazine, which is now on sale nationwide! Pick up your copy from any leading supermarket, or read a digital version of this issue here: https://joygifts.co.za/product/joy-magazine-december-issue-2024/
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Date published: 12/12/2024
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