Written by: Frederik Smith
Article source: JOY! Magazine

When we obey God, wonderful acts of power happen. God uses ordinary people like you and me to do unusual and great miracles. When we are disobedient, the opposite happens, and then we usually regret it and blame ourselves. Let us be obedient and faithful to God’s commands and His Word.

Testimony of God’s timing
I have a testimony that I would like to share about how God sends us to be in certain places with a purpose. One day, my wife had to go and get a repeat prescription from her doctor. I decided to use the time to get my hair cut and then drive to the doctor’s office and wait for her there. It was about 11 o’clock in the morning, and already quite warm. I parked under a tree in the shade.

Moment of need
I felt something pressing against the back of my bakkie, and when I looked, I saw that the car guard was leaning against my bakkie, almost like what a drunk person would do. The next moment he was at my door. “Doctor,” he said, almost inaudibly. When I opened my car door the man collapsed in my arms.

A life saved
I stabilised him, shaded his face, and immediately called the doctor. They struggled to keep him alive; his lungs had collapsed, and he was short of oxygen. It was a severe asthma attack, but the doctors and paramedics were able to stabilise him again.

All thanks to God
I kept following up to hear how he was doing and was relieved and excited when he was back at his post after four days. I visited him and told him all thanks goes to God and not to me. I was just an instrument and I am eternally grateful that I was obedient and that his life was saved because of it.

Please email info@joymag.co.za if you have a short miracle to share with us!

This article is featured in the December issue of JOY! Magazine, which is now on sale nationwide! Pick up your copy from any leading supermarket, or read a digital version of this issue here: https://joygifts.co.za/product/joy-magazine-december-issue-2024/

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Date published: 01/01/2025
Feature image: Image for illustrative purposes only.

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